“ Hello, See Weng.” I picked up a call while waiting for my takeaway, I could swiftly recognize that it was Soonren.
“ Okay.”
“ Wa lao eh, okay?”
“ What’s the matter?”
Oh shoot! I regretted being so abrupt and stern, but, what the hell. Anything goes.
“ Well, will you be free on the 14th of December?”
“ Yes, I’ll be freaking free that day. Why?”
“ Oh, we’re planning to have a trip to Genting Highland. I was wondering if you can make it.”
“ It sounds cool! Well……” I hesitated for a while. “May I confirm with you later? Or maybe tonight? By the way, who’ll be going?”
“ Eng Sheng, Mun Kit, Say Tat, Wai Kit, Chan Fai, me and……”
“ How about Jiehson?”
“ Oh yeah, he’ll be going too.”
I was terribly tempted to the trip as the saying goes ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’. I, after all, had not met my old friends for ages since I came to KL, and what’s more they are all my close friends. After a while, a dilemma came striking as I did not know if I could cope well with my studies when I took 2 days off without applying myself to them.
I detest this! I hate myself for being a scholar! It’s time for me to make another decision again! Argh!
Night was falling, I was sitting right before my lappy.
“ So, how’s it? Can you make it?”
“ Oh well, count me in first.”
The story began.
We were asked to wait at the Seremban railway station, and so we did. It took us 3 hours or so to reach Genting Highland, as we went all the way there by three modes of transportation, by train, bus and cable car. It was so cool, I should say. No wave of nausea swept over me while I was in the cable car with my friends, since I have height phobia. That just felt very comfy inside, and we took a few pictures there.

One of my friends suggested that we go and try the roller coaster; I was like ‘Seriously? Or why not we go for a warm-up before we do something really thrilling?’ After my idea was approved of, we started to the Mining Coaster.


Nice Ending~
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