Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today is the day we have been waiting for. We're eventually done with all the final examinations. Today is the last paper: Psyhcology. At least it boosted my confidence as I think I did relatively better than other papers, but the thing is that the graph might be scaled down due to its low level of difficulty. All the time we spent in this 1 1/2 years was just for the 5 papers.

I think that we're quite lucky this year since almost all of the papers were relatively easier than past year final papers but the graphs might be scaled down. I'm quite insecure about the ESL as I did not manage to finish it all, but ended up scribbling something just to guarantee that I at least wrote down something which would be worth some marks of sympathy. I was actually quite dejected at my performance in the ESL and Economics as they could ruin my dream to Australian National University (my dream university).

Well at first I could not let God handle this as it has been my dream since I got a Public Service Department Scholarship. After much pondering, I thought 'hey, I could not even handle the stress in SAM. How am I even able to handle the potential stress we might have in ANU since many geniuses will be there? I'm just an ordinary student whose results are only so-so - not too bad and not too good.' So yeah, I have eventually decided to hand over this to God, and He shall decide everything as He knows what is best for His children. The University of Adelaide is not a bad choice, though, as I am not the kind of person who can work under intense stress like ANU. All I need is peace, a calm mind and low competition, that's it.

Right after the Psychology exam, I headed straight to the placement centre to enquire about Australian universities. After the officer had briefed us on it, I was like 'what? the expenditure on staying on campus is dearer than off campus?' Anyway, we're still vacillating between wanting to stay on and off campus.

Well anyway I pray that God will answer my prayer as to where to stay and all. God bless.

Will be relaxing and playing as much as possible in these 3 months, but must also take into account the financial constraint =D